Here follows a list of recent publications:
Detection of Meteor- and Space Object Entries Using Infrasonic Observations. Ludwik Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se, Johan Kero johan_dot_kero_&_irf_dot_se, Lars Eliasson lars_dot_eliasson_&_irf_dot_se, Carl-Fredrik Enell carl-fredrik_dot_enell_&_eiscat_dot_se, Tero Raita tero_dot_raita_&_sgo_dot_fi
IRF Scientific Report 304, October 2014.
The cross-correlation parameters of the infrasonic wave field on the ground. Ludwik Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se
IRF Scientific Report 303, July 2012. ISBN 978-91-977255-9-0.
A Search for Underground Nuclear Test Signatures in Archival Infrasound Data. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
Published in InfraMatics September-2010 Newsletter
Infrasonic Observations of Recent Meteoroid Entries over Northern Scandinavia. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se, T. Kvaerna tormod_&_norsar_dot_no, C-F. Enell carl-fredrik_dot_enell_&_sgo_dot_fi & T. Raita tero_dot_raita_&_sgo_dot_fi)
Published in InfraMatics June-2010 Newsletter
Infrasound in the Atmosphere - Towards a New Propagation Model. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se, C-F. Enell carl-fredrik_dot_enell_&_sgo_dot_fi & T. Raita tero_dot_raita_&_sgo_dot_fi)
Published in InfraMatics June-2009 Newsletter
ISS09 poster about "Swedish-Finnish Infrasound Network — The Research Program".
Prediction of Grand Minima.
AGU Fall Meeting 2008 (AE31A-0272) poster about "Infrasonic Observations of Thunderstorms at High Latitudes: Time Scales".
Propagation of Infrasound from Chemical Explosions. (Ludwik Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se & Tormod Kvaerna tormod_&_norsar_dot_no)
Published in InfraMatics March-2008 Newsletter
Listening to Meteors
Infrasonic Observations of Meteors in Northern Sweden
A summary of 35 years of infrasound research
ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)Order the complete book in pdf-format here (free).
Errata Missing figure on p. 78.
AGU Fall Meeting 2007 (AE23A-0900) poster about "Sprite-attributed infrasonic chirps FROM THUNDERSTORMS".
AGU Fall Meeting 2006 poster about "Infrasound from thunderstorms".
AGU Fall Meeting 2005 poster about "Sprite-attributed infrasonic chirps".
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Professor Liszka discusses various information processing techniques which have certain common characteristics: they are all attempts to simulate the basic processes of human cognition. These techniques are particularly useful when studying complex, multivariate processes in nature, especially when they are non-linear. Introduction of these techniques into the area of space physics and astrophysics opens new possibilities for understanding the vast amount of information collected in space experiments. This book may be bought from IRF. Follow this link for instructions on how to proceed. ISBN 0-88126-090-8 |
Extraction of a Deterministic Component from ROSAT X-ray Data Using a Wavelet Transform and the Principal Component Analysis: Analysis of random pulses and simulated data. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
Variability in Viking ion and electric field observations detected by a wavelet filtering technique. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se, M. Øieroset and B. Hultqvist)
Thermistor Measurements of Temperature Oscillations During the Arctic Summer: Potential Coupling Between Severe Convective Thunderstorms and the Surface Prandtl Layer. (Douglas O. Revelle dor_&_vega_lanl_gov & L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
A Study of Short-Term Temporal Variations of Photon Counts Recorded by the ROSAT X-ray Satellite. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
Filtering of multivariate time series in the principal component space. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
Decomposition of particle energy spectra using the principal component method. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
A Study of Statistical Properties of Temporal Variations of X-ray Emission from NGC5548 in ROSAT PSPC Observations. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
Reconstruction of equidistant time series using neural networks. (L. Liszka ludwik_&_irf_dot_se)
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